
Mark is unavailable, but you can change that!

Mark’s concern in his Gospel is that his readers know the good news of who Jesus is: God’s Son and suffering Messiah. It is a book of action, demonstrating Jesus’s identity with a strong emphasis on what he did—acts of service and of power that often left onlookers amazed. Inherent in this revelation of Jesus’s identity is a call to radical discipleship fueled by total dependence on him. Renowned...

date in the 50s: (1) there is no reason to doubt some association with Peter, so it is better to place it in the 50s or 60s; (2) Mark was used by Matthew and Luke, and so was the first Gospel written (we will look at this below). If Luke was written where Acts ends (AD 62, with Paul on trial in Rome), a tenable proposal (the one that I prefer) is that Mark was composed in the mid-to-late 50s, then recognized by the church and utilized by Luke.2
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